While working on a customer project we came in closer contact with the KaRo TX6 System on Module (SoM), a complete Freescale/NXP i.MX6 computer, including RAM and storage, NAND or eMMC, in teh form factor of a SO-DIMM module.

The TX6UL module is the entry level with an iMX6 UltraLite CPU with one core running at 528MHz, 256MB DDR RAM and either 128MB NAND flash or 4GB eMMC. Prices start at roughly 40€ (not including VAT) per single piece. A pretty powerful system. The architecture of the i.MX6UL CPU is a little different compared to its bigger sister i.MX6 CPUs. For example the i.MX6UL lacks any form of graphics or video acceleration hardware support. Also some peripherals are almost identical concerning their function but differ in subtle details. So in contrast to its bigger sisters there is no easy upgrade path from i.MX6UL to the bigger i.MX6 CPUs, it will always take a little software development effort.

The next bigger KaRo modules are the TX6S, TX6DL and TX6Q with single core, dual core and quad core versions of the i.MX6. An upgrade from TX6S to TX6Q is much easier as fro TX6UL to e.g. TX6S.
All KaRo TX6 modules come with Linux support, i.e. U-Boot bootloader and mainline Linux Kernel. The sources are publicly available on Github.
SO-DIMM modules, even they already come with all important electronics implemented on the module, are not exactly easy to handle. A matching baseboard turns them into usable computers with all peripherals easily accessible.
A priceworthy baseboard is available from the KaRo distribution partner Glyn, the Aclavis Baseboard.

The baseboard connects (almost) all peripherals to common connectors and thus makes them accessible for development, like UART to RS232 including level shifters, Ethernet incl. magnetics etc. LC display can be connected either via 24 bits RGB TTL or LVDS interface. The RGB TTL interface is routed to a 40-pos FFC connector which can be directly connected to the Glyn Family Concept TFT displays, incl. LCD power supply and I2C e.g. for a capacitive touchscreen. The baseboard is available from around 50€ (VAT not included).
If you are interested in one (or more) of these kits or if you have interest in a software development project base on KaRo / Glyn hardware please get in contact with us.